p. 1
https://valdostaedu.sharepoint.com/sites/TM-CoSMDeansOffice/Shared Documents/Promotion & Tenure/A. One Drive Folder Templates/Templates AY22-23/TT- P&T
or T/CoSM Instructions TT P&T and T only.docx
Reviewed June 8, 2022
CoSM OneDrive Electronic Submission Instructions for
Tenure Track (TT) Faculty for
Application for Tenure Only or Application for Simultaneous Promotion and Tenure
Use these instructions for the following actions:
CoSM Electronic File Organization
General Guidelines and Instructions
Primary Folders (Sections I-V)
Sub-Folders (A, B, C, etc.)
PDF documents (1, 2, 3, etc.)
CoSM Dean’s office creates all folders and sub-folders. The Deans
office will change the folder access permissions as appropriate to the
current review stage. Each letter-writer (or designee) uploads the
letter to the appropriate folder.
Appropriate policies and requirements should be followed
for your personnel action. Include relevant previous letters
where applicable.
Do not change the names of folders or sub-folders that have
already been created.
The candidate uploads all PDFs using the specified naming
Changes or additions may be requested of the candidate
through the college-level advisory committee, but once the
dossier is submitted to the dean, no further changes can be
Tenure-track personnel action
Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor
Tenure Only
p. 2
https://valdostaedu.sharepoint.com/sites/TM-CoSMDeansOffice/Shared Documents/Promotion & Tenure/A. One Drive Folder Templates/Templates AY22-23/TT- P&T
or T/CoSM Instructions TT P&T and T only.docx
Reviewed June 8, 2022
CoSM Tenure and/or Promotion
Folders & Their Contents In-Brief
Electronic File Organization and
Details for Naming and Uploading Files into Appropriate Folder
Folder: FirstName LastName Action AY
Folder Example: Alice Smith T&P Assoc Prof AY21-22
Folder: Section I Coversheet and
A. VSU Coversheet (PDF)
C. Completed CoSM Application (PDF)
Section I Coversheet and Application
Upload the following 3 files into Section I Coversheet and
A. VSU Coversheet File:
o Fillable Word document is available from:
o The PDF should be titled: A-VSUCoversheet.pdf
B. CV File:
o Your CV should be in reverse chronological order.
o The PDF should be titled: B-CV.pdf
C. Completed CoSM Application File:
o COSM Coversheet and application (only the CoSM
application and cover form completed by candidate; do
not include the policy sections):
o The PDF should be titled: C-CoSMApplication.pdf
Folder: Section II –Evaluations of the
A. CoSM Policy & Departmental Policies
1. CoSM Policy (PDF)
2. Department Policy (PDF), if not
integrated with college-level
B. Annual Faculty Evaluations for Period
Under Review (subfolder)
1. Annual Evaluations (PDF)
C. Pre-Tenure Review Letters
1. Pre-Tenure Review Letters (PDF)
D. Advisory Letters (subfolder)
1. Departmental Advisory
Committee (PDF)
2. Department Head (PDF)
3. College Advisory Committee
4. Dean (PDF)
Section II Evaluations of the Candidate
Section II contains 4 folders. The candidate for tenure or tenure and
promotion, is responsible for uploading the files in folders A, B,
and C.
A. CoSM Policy Subfolder: The CoSM policy with departmental policy
should be placed in this subfolder.
o If your department has integrated the departmental policy
with college policy, one file with both policies can be
uploaded with the pdf titled: 1-CoSMPolicy.pdf
o If the departmental policy is not integrated with college
policy, then upload both separate policies (college and
department) as separate pdf files with the following
2-DEPTNAMEPolicy.pdf (e.g., 2-ChemistryPolicy.pdf)
B. Annual Faculty Evaluations Subfolder: Annual Evaluations for the
entire period under review should be combined into a single pdf
file in chronological order.
o The pdf should be titled:
C. Pre-Tenure Review Letters Subfolder:
o For individuals submitting their dossier for tenure or
simultaneous tenure and promotion, the Pre-Tenure
Review Letters should be compiled into one PDF document
in chronological order
p. 3
https://valdostaedu.sharepoint.com/sites/TM-CoSMDeansOffice/Shared Documents/Promotion & Tenure/A. One Drive Folder Templates/Templates AY22-23/TT- P&T
or T/CoSM Instructions TT P&T and T only.docx
Reviewed June 8, 2022
The pdf should be titled:
D. Advisory Letters Subfolder: Review letters will be uploaded
o Access to this folder will evolve from department level to
the Provost as the dossier progresses through the stages of
o When a letter writer uploads to this folder, the candidate,
department head, and dean should also receive copies for
personnel files
o The department head’s tally of the Evaluation of Tenure
Candidate results and the completed individual Evaluation
of Tenure Candidate forms must be included with the
department head’s letter.
o The pdfs of the Advisory Letters should be titled:
Folder: Section III Teaching and Student
A. SOI Information (subfolder)
1. Table Summary (PDF)
2. Written Summary (PDF)
3. Complete SOI Reports (PDF)
B. Peer Evaluations (subfolder)
1. Peer Evaluations (PDF)
2. Peer Evaluation Policy (PDF)
C. Evidence of Student Learning
1. Evidence of Student Learning
D. Support Documents for Teaching
This sub-folder contains three
1. Course Documents
2. Evidence of Course-
3. Teaching Development
Section III Teaching and Student Learning
Section III contains 4 folders. The candidate for tenure or tenure and
promotion, is responsible for uploading the files and evidence in
folders A, B, C, and D.
Subfolders and Their Contents:
A. SOI Information Subfolder contains the following 3 pdf
o Table(s) summarizing student opinions of instruction for
the period under review. Summary information must
include numerically-scored questions for each class
section, the number of students, and number of
Instructions for creating an Instructor Summary
Report from the SOI portal (prior to Fall 2019)
and/or SmartEvals (Fall 2019 to present), can be
The pdf should be titled: 1-SOITableSummary
o A written summary of the contents of the student
narrative comments
The pdf should be titled: 2-SOIWrittenSummary
p. 4
https://valdostaedu.sharepoint.com/sites/TM-CoSMDeansOffice/Shared Documents/Promotion & Tenure/A. One Drive Folder Templates/Templates AY22-23/TT- P&T
or T/CoSM Instructions TT P&T and T only.docx
Reviewed June 8, 2022
o All SOI reports generated that include all questions and
student comments from the period under review
combined into a single pdf document
The pdf should be titled: 3-CompleteSOIReports
B. Peer Evaluations Subfolder contains 2 files: peer evaluations
and peer evaluation departmental policy
o Combine all peer evaluation files into one PDF file, which
should be named: 1-PeerEvaluationsOfTeaching.pdf
o If there is a departmental peer evaluation policy and/or
form, please place in this subfolder with name:
C. Evidence of Student Learning Subfolder contains evidence of
student learning (e.g., pre-post assessment data and analysis,
student portfolios, performance evaluations, capstone
projects, etc.)
o The number of files depends on materials submitted;
please use appropriate filenames consistent with the file
naming convention adopted so far.
o Within the summary or analysis of evidence of student
learning, the candidate can include copies of
assessments, assignments, portfolios, etc., or can refer to
documents uploaded into Folder D. Support Documents
for Teaching.
D. Support Documents for Teaching Subfolder contains three
subfolders to organize additional evidence of teaching and
teaching related activities.
o 1. Course Documents Subfolder contains sample
copies of syllabi, exams, assignments, supporting
evidence of innovative instruction/activities, etc. The
4 files listed below are only examples, and the
candidate can create additional files as appropriate.
Combine all syllabi samples into one PDF file
(filename: Syllabi.pdf)
Combine all exam samples into one PDF file
(filename: Exams.pdf)
Combine all assignment samples into one
PDF file (filename: Assignments.pdf)
Combine all evidence of innovative
instructions into one PDF file (filename:
o 2. Evidence of Course-Curriculum-Program
Development Subfolder contains supporting
documents or evidence for course, curriculum, study
abroad, study away program development, etc. (as
The number of files depends on materials
submitted; please use appropriate filenames
p. 5
https://valdostaedu.sharepoint.com/sites/TM-CoSMDeansOffice/Shared Documents/Promotion & Tenure/A. One Drive Folder Templates/Templates AY22-23/TT- P&T
or T/CoSM Instructions TT P&T and T only.docx
Reviewed June 8, 2022
consistent with the file naming convention
adopted so far.
o 3. Teaching Development Activities Subfolder
contains supporting documents or evidence for
teaching development activities (e.g., teaching
workshops or conference attended, participation in
CELT Session, learning new pedagogy, etc.)
The number of files depends on materials
submitted; please use appropriate filenames
consistent with the file naming convention
adopted so far.
Folder: Section IV Scholarship
A. Scholarship and Professional
Development Activities
1. Reverse chronological list of
published papers, books,
research, scholarly work,
externally funded grants and
contracts, patents, etc. (PDF)
2. Reverse chronological list of
completed professional
development activities (PDF)
3. Reverse chronological list of work
in progress (PDF)
B. Supporting Documents for Scholarship
(Subfolder) with 5 additional subfolders
1. Evidence of Externally Refereed
Publications (subfolder)
2. Evidence of Externally Refereed
Grants and Contracts (subfolder)
3. Evidence of Externally Refereed
Patents, Software, or Hardware
System (subfolder)
4. Evidence of Other Professional
Development (subfolder)
5. Evidence of Work in Progress
Section IVScholarship
The candidate will upload 3 PDF files into A. Scholarship and
Professional Development Activities folder and will populate the
subfolders in B. Supporting Documents as appropriate.
A. Scholarship and Professional Development Activities Subfolder
1. Research and Scholarship
o Reverse chronological list of published papers, books,
research, scholarly work, externally funded grants and
contracts, patents, etc.
o This PDF should be titled:
2. Professional Development
o Reverse chronological list of completed professional
development activities.
o This PDF should be titled:
3. Work in progress
o Reverse chronological list of work in progress and other
o This PDF should be titled:
B. Supporting Documents for Scholarship Subfolder contains 5
o These folders should contain all of the evidence for Section
IV as appropriate
o The evidence within each subfolder should be PDF document
with appropriate filenames following the file naming
Note, the candidate should provide the reviewers evidence for each
piece of externally refereed scholarship listed
1. Evidence of Externally Refereed Publications (subfolder)
2. Evidence of Externally Refereed Grants and Contracts
p. 6
https://valdostaedu.sharepoint.com/sites/TM-CoSMDeansOffice/Shared Documents/Promotion & Tenure/A. One Drive Folder Templates/Templates AY22-23/TT- P&T
or T/CoSM Instructions TT P&T and T only.docx
Reviewed June 8, 2022
3. Evidence of Externally Refereed Patents, Software, or
Hardware System (subfolder)
4. Evidence of Other Professional Development (subfolder)
5. Evidence of Work in Progress (subfolder)
Folder: Section VService
A. Service Activities (Subfolder)
1. List of Service Activities (PDF)
B. Supporting Documents for Service
1. Evidence of Service to
Community (subfolder)
2. Evidence of Service to
Institution (subfolder)
3. Evidence of Service to
Profession (sub-folder)
4. Evidence of Other Service
V Section V Service
The candidate will upload 1 PDF file into A. Service Activities folder
and will populate the subfolders in B. Supporting Documents for
Service as necessary.
A. Service Activities older
o The candidate uploads a reverse chronological list of service
activities, specifying the dates of each activity, designating
the type of activity, and one’s role in the service
Break this listing into the four sections based on
service Area A-D as outlined in the COSM
Performance Guidelines.
Where appropriate, link the names of each activity to
the evidence which should be in PDF format and
located in the evidence folders
This PDF should be titled: 1. ListOfService.pdf
B. Supporting Documents for Service Subfolder contains evidence of
service areas as outlined in the CoSM Tenure and Promotion
Application Form.
o For instance, committee assignment documentation, copies
of meeting minutes, or copies of products developed may be
included. The evidence within each subfolder should be PDF
documents with appropriate filenames following the file
naming convention.