Undersecretariat of Competitiveness and Business Regulations
Directorate General of Foreign Investment
Directorate of International Affairs and Public Policy
Information up to August 2016.
Foreigners who wish to invest in Mexico must comply with the requirements of the Law
on Migration, its regulations and other applicable legal provisions.
In this regard, all foreigners must obtain a visa before travelling to Mexico
, unless they
are nationals of countries with which Mexico has signed a visa abolition agreement or
countries to which visa requirements were removed by unilateral decision
. In these cases,
foreigners are able to arrive to the immigration inspection facilities and request the entry
into Mexico under the condition of stay of visitor without permission to perform
remunerated activities.
In addition, foreigners who submit one of the following documents do not require a
Mexican visa:
a. Document attesting permanent residence in Canada, United States of America,
Japan, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or any of the
countries belonging to the Schengen area, as well as members of the Pacific
Alliance (Chile, Colombia and Peru);
b. A valid visa from Canada, the United States of America, Japan, the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or any of the countries belonging
to the Schengen area;
c. APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) approved by Mexico;
d. A certificate stating that the foreigner is a member of the crew of the aircraft in
which he arrived; and
e. Seaman's book, if he is a member of the crew of the boat arriving to a Mexican port
in international crossing.
Nationals of countries to which the Mexican State requires a visa as well as those
foreigners who, regardless of their nationality, wish to enter and remain in Mexico for
more than 180 days must request one of the following visas to invest in Mexico:
Countries and regions that require a visa to travel to Mexico.
Countries and regions that do not require a visa to travel to Mexico.
Undersecretariat of Competitiveness and Business Regulations
Directorate General of Foreign Investment
Directorate of International Affairs and Public Policy
Information up to August 2016.
Where are the visas obtained?
Visas are processed and obtained personally in any consulate or embassy of Mexico
An appointment may be scheduled over the phone or online [MEXITEL]
Which documents are needed?
i. Visa application form.
ii. Valid passport or identity and travel document.
iii. A recent passport-size photograph, in color, with white background and frontal
iv. Document accrediting legal entry and stay in the country (in case he is not a
national of the country where he is applying for visa).
What is the cost?
This visa authorizes foreigners to enter the country, transit the national territory and
remain on it for an uninterrupted period that does not exceed 180 days from the date of
entry. However, this visa does not allow the foreigner to perform any remunerated
activities. In this regard, some of the specific activities that might be performed with this
visa are:
i. Establish, develop or manage a foreign investment;
ii. Provide specialized services previously agreed or referred to in a contract of
transfer of technology, patents and trademarks, sale of machinery and equipment,
technical training of personnel or of any other process of production of a company
established in Mexico;
iii. Attend meetings or sessions of boards of directors of companies legally established
in Mexico; and
Mexican consulates abroad and Mexican embassies abroad.
Appointments by phone and online.
Undersecretariat of Competitiveness and Business Regulations
Directorate General of Foreign Investment
Directorate of International Affairs and Public Policy
Information up to August 2016.
iv. Perform managerial or executive functions, or those that involve specialized
knowledge in a company or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates established in
Which documents are needed?
I. Visa application form.
II. Passport or valid travel and identity document (original and copy of the page
containing the photograph and personal data).
III. One recent passport-size photograph (measuring 3.9 cm x 3.1 cm maximum), face
uncovered, no eyeglasses, frontal view, in color and with white background.
IV. Original and copy of the migratory document that prove the legal stay in the
country, if the applicant is not a national of the country from where he is applying
for the visa.
V. Supporting documents as indicated under one of the following categories:
a. Personal ties (property, employment).
i. Original and copy of the deed to real estate duly registered under the
name of the applicant and proof of stable employment. In both cases
for a minimum period of two years, or
ii. Original and copy of the deed to real estate duly registered under the
name of the applicant and a document proving ownership or shares
in business, issued by the competent authorities of each country. In
both cases for a minimum period of two years.
b. Economic solvency.
i. Original and copy of documents showing that the applicant has an
employment or a pension with a tax-free monthly income higher than
the equivalent to 100 days of the general minimum wage in Mexico
City, during the past three months, and proof of stable employment,
for a minimum period of one year, or
ii. Original and copy of investment receipts or bank account statements
showing an average monthly balance equivalent to 300 days of the
general minimum wage in Mexico City, during the past three months,
iii. In the case of foreigners who are pursuing regular studies in
institutions of higher education, they must submit the original proof
of studies and the original proof of stable employment, pension or
scholarship with a monthly income equivalent to 60 days of the
general minimum wage in Mexico City, during the past three months.
VI. Payment of fees in cash for the processing of visa application for foreign passports
(if applicable).
Authority’s response time
Ten business days.
Undersecretariat of Competitiveness and Business Regulations
Directorate General of Foreign Investment
Directorate of International Affairs and Public Policy
Information up to August 2016.
The characteristics of this visa are similar to the visa for visitors without permission to
perform remunerated activities for a short stay. The only difference is that it is valid for
ten years.
Who should apply?
Foreigners with high economic solvency.
Frequent travelers.
Prominent persons.
Supervisors of a foreign company with a subsidiary in national territory.
Executive personnel of subsidiaries or commercial offices of Mexican companies
Family of a Mexican, of a temporary resident or permanent resident, or of a
diplomatic or consular official accredited in Mexico.
Which documents are needed?
I. Visa application form.
II. Passport or valid travel and identity document (original and copy of the page
containing the photograph and personal data).
III. One recent passport-size photograph (measuring 3.9 cm x 3.1 cm maximum), face
uncovered, no eyeglasses, frontal view, in color and with white background.
IV. Original and copy of the migratory document that proves the legal stay in the
country if the applicant is not a national of the country from where he is applying
for the visa.
V. Submit supporting documents as indicated under one of the following categories:
a. Economic solvency.
i. Original and copy of investment receipts or bank account statements
showing an average monthly balance equivalent to 300 days of the
general minimum wage in Mexico City, during the past six months, or
ii. Original and copy of documents showing that the applicant has an
employment or a pension with a tax-free monthly income higher than
the equivalent to 100 days of the general minimum wage in Mexico City,
during the past three months.
b. Frequent traveler.
i. A copy of the passport containing three valid visas or migratory stamps,
providing these are not from neighboring countries to the country of
residence of the applicant.
c. Prominent person.
i. Statement from the applicant along with the supporting documentation
describing the activities or specialties with international recognition, or
indicating that he is a person of recognized national or international
prestige or another prominent person, or a scientist, researcher,
Undersecretariat of Competitiveness and Business Regulations
Directorate General of Foreign Investment
Directorate of International Affairs and Public Policy
Information up to August 2016.
humanist, artist, athlete, or journalist of national or international
d. Supervisors of a foreign company with a subsidiary in national territory or
executive personnel of subsidiaries or commercial offices of Mexican
companies abroad.
i. Original and copy of the constituent instrument or the document
attesting the legal constitution of the company or subsidiary; and the
original of the letter of the company or the subsidiary in which it is
expressly stated that the applicant is the supervisor and that the
payment for the services that will be provided in the country will be paid
by the company, or
ii. Original and copy of the constituent instrument, the document attesting
the legal constitution of the subsidiary of a Mexican Company or the
document attesting the commercial representation; and the original of
the letter of the company or commercial office in which it is expressly
stated that the applicant is an executive or that he has been appointed
as a commercial representative.
e. In the case of family of a Mexican national, of a temporary resident or
permanent resident, or of a diplomatic or consular official accredited in
Mexico, please consult the documentation required in the General
Guidelines for Visas Issued by the Secretariat of the Interior and the
Secretariat of Foreign Affairs
VI. Payment of fees in cash for the processing of visa application for foreign passports
(if applicable).
Authority’s response time
Ten business days.
Who can apply for an electronic authorization?
Foreigners of Russian, Turkish and Ukrainian nationality who wish to travel to Mexico by
airway for tourism, transit or business purposes, under the condition of stay of visitor
without permission to perform remunerated activities, to remain in the country for an
uninterrupted period not longer than 180 days.
Which documents are needed?
Valid passport.
Submit an application online at:
Lineamientos Generales para la expedición de visas que emiten las secretarías de Gobernación y de
Relaciones Exteriores, in Spanish.
Undersecretariat of Competitiveness and Business Regulations
Directorate General of Foreign Investment
Directorate of International Affairs and Public Policy
Information up to August 2016.
Which are the main features of the electronic authorization?
The information of the electronic authorization system and the application is available
in Spanish, English, Russian and Turkish language.
It is not necessary to obtain a consular visa.
The electronic authorization is cost-free.
How long is the electronic authorization valid?
The electronic authorization is valid for 180 days from the date of its expedition. Although
it is valid for only one trip to Mexico, there are no limits on the number of authorizations
that may be obtained.
Authority’s response time
Immediate resolution.
This visa is valid for a single entry, for 180 days. However, once in Mexico, the foreigner
may apply for a temporary resident card to remain in the country for no more than four
In this case, applications for a temporary resident card must be submitted to the
corresponding office of the National Immigration Institute (INM, in Spanish)
, within the
following thirty days from the date of entry into the national territory.
Which documents are necessary?
I. Visa application form.
II. Valid passport or travel and identity document (original and copy of the page
containing the photograph and personal data).
III. A recent passport-size photograph (measuring 3.9 cm x 3.1 cm maximum), face
uncovered, no eyeglasses, frontal view, in color and with white background.
IV. Original and copy of the migratory document that proves the legal stay in the
country, if the applicant is not a national of the country from where he is applying
for visa.
V. Supporting documents as indicated under one of the following categories:
a. Economic solvency.
i. Original and copy of investment receipts or bank account statements
showing an average monthly balance equivalent to 5,000 days of the general
minimum wage in Mexico City, during the past twelve months, or
ii. Original and copy of documents showing that the applicant has employment
or a pension with a tax-free monthly income higher than the equivalent to
Office hours and locations.
Undersecretariat of Competitiveness and Business Regulations
Directorate General of Foreign Investment
Directorate of International Affairs and Public Policy
Information up to August 2016.
300 days of the general minimum wage in Mexico City, during the past six
b. Investor.
i. Deed or policy from a Mexican company signed before a public notary, or a
document duly certified by the administrative body or a competent officer
thereof, stating that the foreigner has shares in the capital stock of a Mexican
company, and that the amount of the investment effectively disbursed for
the foreigner’s share in the company would exceed 20,000 days of general
minimum wage in Mexico City; this could be proven by a contract for the
purchase of shares or stocks, contract for the transfer of assets or rights to
the Mexican company, or a document issued by the company proving the
amount contributed for shares in the capital stock, original and copy;
ii. Document proving the ownership of personal property of fixed assets by a
foreigner, used for economic or business purposes, with a value exceeding
20,000 days of the general minimum wage in Mexico City, original and
copy; or
iii. Documentation proving the conduction of economic or business activities
in Mexican territory, which could be proven by documents such as (but not
limited to) contracts, service orders, invoices, receipts, business plans,
licenses and permits, or a certificate issued by the Mexican Social Security
Institute proving that the foreigner employs at least three workers, original
and copy.
VI. Payment of fees in cash for the processing of visa application for foreign passports
(if applicable).
Authority’s response time
Ten business days.
This visa authorizes the foreigner to remain in Mexican territory indefinitely. It has a
maximum validity for a single entry of 180 days. Once in Mexico, the foreigner must apply
for a permanent resident card at the corresponding office of the National Immigration
Institute (INM, in Spanish)
, within the following thirty days from the date of entry into
the national territory
Which documents are necessary?
I. Visa application form.
II. Valid passport or travel and identity document (original and copy of the page
containing the photograph and personal data).
Office hours and locations.
Undersecretariat of Competitiveness and Business Regulations
Directorate General of Foreign Investment
Directorate of International Affairs and Public Policy
Information up to August 2016.
III. A recent passport-size photograph (measuring 3.9 cm x 3.1 cm maximum), face
uncovered, no eyeglasses, frontal view, in color and with white background.
IV. Original and copy of the migratory document accrediting the legal stay in the
country (only in the case that the applicant is not a national of the country where
he is applying for visa).
V. Supporting documents as indicated under one of the following categories:
a. Retirees or pensioners.
i. Original and copy of investment receipts or bank account statements
showing an average monthly balance equivalent to 20,000 days of the
general minimum wage in Mexico City, during the past 12 months, or
ii. Original and copy of documents showing that the applicant has a pension
with a tax-free monthly income higher than the equivalent to 500 days of
the general minimum wage in Mexico City, during the past six months.
b. In the case of family unity applications, please consult the documentation
required in the General Guidelines for Visas Issued by the Secretariat of the
Interior and the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs
VI. Payment of fees in cash for the processing of visa application for foreign passports
(if applicable).
Authority’s response time
Ten business days.
In places intended for the international transit of persons by land, sea and air, foreigners
must submit a valid passport or travel and identity document, a visa and the Multiple
Immigration Form (FMM, in Spanish) properly completed at the immigration inspection
facilities of the National Immigration Institute.
The FMM is the document issued by the National Immigration Institute that allows
foreigners to prove their immigration status in the country, under the following
conditions of stay:
I. Visitor without permission to perform remunerated activities.
II. Visitor with permission to perform remunerated activities.
In the case of having a temporary resident visa or a permanent resident visa, the National
Immigration Institute will issue a Multiple Immigration Form for exchange with
(Lineamientos Generales para la expedición de visas que emiten las secretarías de Gobernación y de
Relaciones Exteriores, in Spanish).
Undersecretariat of Competitiveness and Business Regulations
Directorate General of Foreign Investment
Directorate of International Affairs and Public Policy
Information up to August 2016.
which the foreigner shall process the resident card that accredits the legal stay in national
Where is the FMM obtained?
There are two ways to obtain the FMM, personally, at the points of entry, and
electronically in the website www.gob.mx/inm
How long is the FMM valid?
Visitor without permission to perform
remunerated activities
180 days
Visitor with permission to perform
remunerated activities
180 days
For exchange
30 days
The FMM is valid from the date of entry into the national territory until the deadline
indicated in the corresponding section.
The residence card is a document issued by the National Immigration Institute that
proves the legal stay of a foreigner and allows him to remain in national territory, with
multiple entries, for as long as it is valid.
The foreigner shall process this card at the office of attention to procedures of the National
Immigration Institute corresponding to his domicile
, or the domicile of his work, within
the following thirty days from the date of entry into the national territory.
How to obtain the card?
Applicants must begin the procedure by electronic means
and then attend the
corresponding office of the National Immigration Institute (INM, in Spanish).
Applications must be submitted from 9:00 to 13:00 hours on business days.
Multiple Immigration Form.
Office hours and locations.
Application format for migratory procedure of stay.
Undersecretariat of Competitiveness and Business Regulations
Directorate General of Foreign Investment
Directorate of International Affairs and Public Policy
Information up to August 2016.
Which documents are necessary?
i. Valid passport or travel and identity document (original and copy of the page
containing the photograph and personal data).
ii. Valid Multiple Immigration Form (FMM, in Spanish), original.
iii. Properly completed form (formato básico, in Spanish), original.
iv. Application format for the migratory procedure of stay, completed electronically
in the website and signed by the applicant, original.
v. Original receipt of the payment of fees.
vi. Three photographs (measuring 2.5 cm x 3 cm), in color, two of them with frontal
view and one profile photo showing the right side of the face, with white
background, face and ears uncovered, no earrings and no eyeglasses. Snapshots
are not accepted.
How long is the card valid?
The temporary resident card is valid for one year with the option to renew it for two, three
or up to four years.
The permanent resident card has indefinite validity, in the case of people over 18 years
What are the costs?
Temporary resident card, up to 1 year
$3,715.00 MXN
Temporary resident card, up to 2 years
$5,567.00 MXN
Temporary resident card, up to 3 years
$7,050.00 MXN
Temporary resident card, up to 4 years
$8,356.00 MXN
Permanent resident card
$4,528.00 MXN
Authority’s response time
Fifteen business days.
Applicable to individuals and legal entities established in Mexico that issue an offer of
employment to a foreigner. It allows an employer to prove its legal personality,
attributions and normal operation so that, in subsequent procedures, the employer only
have to submit its updated certificate and powers of the legal representative.
Undersecretariat of Competitiveness and Business Regulations
Directorate General of Foreign Investment
Directorate of International Affairs and Public Policy
Information up to August 2016.
How to obtain the certificate?
Applicants must begin the procedure by electronic means
and then attend the
corresponding office of the National Immigration Institute (INM).
Does it cost?
The procedure is cost-free.
Which documents are needed?
Legal entities:
a) Deed of incorporation or the document attesting the legal constitution of the entity
as well as its modifications;
b) Document demonstrating the type of proxy or mandate conferred to the legal
representatives, if not included on the instrument of incorporation;
c) Valid official ID of the legal representative or holder of power of attorney;
d) Proof of address of the legal entity (expedition date must not exceed thirty days);
e) Certificate of inscription at the Federal Taxpayer Registry and certificate issued by
the competent authority proving the submission of the latest tax statement, and
f) List of employees and their nationality.
a) Valid official ID;
b) Proof of address (expedition date must not exceed thirty days), and
c) Certificate of inscription at the Federal Taxpayer Registry and certificate issued by
the competent authority, accrediting the submission of the latest tax statement.
How long is it valid?
The certificate is valid for an indefinite amount of time. However, it must be annually
updated in the same period of tax statements or within thirty days after any change of
address, legal representative or proxy.