City of Las Vegas, Parking Services, 350 S. City Pkwy, LasVegas, NV 89106
Hearing Appeal Level 1 Request
Instructions and Cover Letter
You may choose to file an Appeal if there have been no payments made and your ticket is within 30 days
from the issue date. You may file an appeal up to 90 days from the date of the original notice of
infraction, however late penalties may apply. All Level 1 appeals are administratively reviewed by an
appeal committee and do NOT require an appearance.
Some violations may not require an appeal and may be administratively reviewed for fine reduction
If you are appealing for one of the following reason, please contact our office first to see if you qualify for
any administrative reductions.
Registration Not Displayed your vehicle was registered at the time of the citation.
Handicap Violation you have a valid placard that was valid at the time of the citation.
Overtime Meter you have a valid paid receipt for the meter that covered the time of the citation
If you have a complete Bill of Sale or Dealer Trade in documents
that were dated prior to the date of the citation. Complete a Declaration of Non-Ownership form
If you are proceeding with your appeal, follow the steps below.
1. Fill out attached form completely.
2. Since this is a Non-Appearance request, you should include any and all evidence for
your defense at the time of submitting this request
(ie. permits, registration, photos,
receipts, medical documentation, tax returns, bank statements, etc.)
3. Once the forms are processed, your citation will be placed on hold to avoid additional penalties
until it is reviewed by the Administrative Appeal Committee at the next available Review Date.
Receipt of any payment after your request for appeal will be considered forfeiting your appeal
and your hearing will be cancelled.
4. Once your appeal has been reviewed, you will receive the decision via e-mail followed up with a
letter to the mailing address provided on this request form. It is your responsibility to check your
email account that you provided.
5. If any balance is found to be liable, you will have 30 days from the date of the decision to:
a.) submit payment in full by mail, phone, or via internet
b.) sign up for an Installment Payment Plan
c.) Request a Level 2 Appeal
Failure to pay in full, schedule an Installment Payment Plan or request a Level 2 appeal within a 30 day
period may result in an increase to your citation due to penalties accruing; if any reductions were made
as part of the Appeal decision, it will be reversed and further Collection Activity will continue, up to and
including DMV Registration Holds, Collection Agency fees incurred and vehicle immobilization.
If you do not receive any response within 3 weeks, please contact the Parking Services Office.
City of Las Vegas, Parking Services, 350 S. City Pkwy, LasVegas, NV 89106
A p p e a l L e v e l 1 R e q u e s t F o r m
, , hereby request an Administrative Review
(Appellant Print Complete Name) in the nature of arbitration or alternative dispute resolution.
My Address is
I request this hearing involving Notice of Infraction Number(s) (Citation Numbers):
Vehicle License Plate # or VIN: _
I wish to appeal this parking citation. I understand that this appeal will be decided administratively. There is
Judge or Hearing Officer in this Level 1 Appeal.
I understand this is a NON-APPEARANCE request and I am NOT scheduled to appear. I understand that the
appeal will include a review of documents, photos, and the defense that I have submitted with this request.
I understand the appeal decision may include a complete dismissal, a fine reduction or denial of appeal. I will be
given 30 days to comply with the decision. After 30 days, any reductions will be reversed and additional
will be assessed as outlined in LVMC 11.10.090.
I understand the decision can be appealed within 30 days as a Level 2 Appeal. A level 2 Appeal will require a
scheduled in-person hearing and is a final binding hearing before the Hearing Officer pursuant to LVMC
I understand that if necessary due to my lack of timely payment, the City of Las Vegas can and will
use the
binding decision to have a formal civil judgment entered against me in the Las Vegas Municipal Court.
I understand that if a civil judgment is obtained, the City may seek and obtain a writ of execution against me. I
understand that if a writ of execution is obtained, my wages and/or bank accounts may be garnished, liens may
be put on my property and my vehicle(s) may be towed or immobilized. I also understand that my vehicle(s)
be immobilized without a writ of execution if:
I accumulate more than $200.00 in unpaid civil fines, judgments and penalties for parking
violations, and
At least Two Notices of Infraction have been issued and served with respect to vehicles I own
and have not been responded to within the time set forth in LVMC 11.10.090.
Knowing all of the above, I still wish to request a Level 1 Administrative Review on the above-described
Notice(s) of Infraction(s).
By signing below, I acknowledge that I read and understand the rules governing a Level 1 Administrative review
on the above described Notice(s) of Infraction(s).
I wish to receive notification of the results of this appeal via electronic mail. I understand that I am
responsible for ensuring that my electronic mail service correctly receives the appeal decision (i.e. ensure that
communications are not blocked, sent to junk or deleted as spam).
Email Address:
Phone Number
Appellant (please sign) Date
City of Las Vegas, Parking Services, 350 S. City Pkwy, LasVegas, NV 89106
Defense for Original Fine:
Please explain in full detail the reason you want to
contest this ticket.
(Check One)
Vehicle Breakdown Sold Vehicle
Medical Emergency Inadequate Signs or Curb Paint
Did Not Receive Ticket on Vehicle Financial hardship
(*proof required)
(explain in detail)
Defense for any accrued Penalties:
Please explain in full detail the reason
why any late fees accrued and the citation was not paid or contested within 30 days
of issuance.
Return this form to
City of Las Vegas Parking Services
350 S. City Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89106
702- 229-4700 (Tel) | 702-382-2309 (Fax)
Scan and email to